The Power Of Intuition

Intuition is part of consciousness. Developing our Intuition is vitally important if we wish to be free and KNOW that we KNOW. Logic has nothing to do with Intuition nor does so-called common sense. 

Hello, my friend. This is Michele Blood. I am an author, singer, and creator with Bob Proctor of Songs For Success through Affirmation Power. Recently I have also released an app called The Magnet To Money App, filled with meditations, affirmations, visualizations, and so much more content to uplift you. Today I am delighted to speak to you about the most important topic to assist you to not be only happier, but also very successful. Intuition! 

The most successful people that I know and have had the joy and the privilege to work with have strong Intuition. Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Richard Branson, to name a few, are guided by that still, small voice we call Intuition. 

As we melt away the ice of duality, we can then tap deeply into the power of our Intuition where we are always clearly guided. With this guidance, our life becomes a glorious, happy, and purposeful experience. Whenever we are doing mind practices to bring more clarity and positive emotion, such as Meditation and affirmations, our minds become clearer and more focused. We are happier, and our Intuition becomes stronger. And I’m telling you, my friend, people with strong Intuition are definitely the happiest souls I have ever met because they can trust that they are guided from on high, and that relieves so much stress. 

Intuition is not a strong emotion. Some may say, “Oh, I’m feeling so strong about this. It must be my Intuition.” No, it’s not. Intuition is a very still, small voice. Just a very gentle feeling. “This is the way to go.” 

And once we understand Intuition and follow it, our life dramatically changes to the positive. We are guided. Our Higher Self will be speaking directly to us. We will know whom to speak to, when to speak to them, where to go, and more importantly where not to go. This is so profoundly important for any soul to become FREE. We will be genuinely, Divinely guided. So, study Intuition and begin with a few simple tools. Meditation practice, and mindfulness, when followed these tools really assist us tap into the power of our Intuition. 

You know, scientists have been doing this for millennia. They go into a dark room; they write a question down. “How can I create so and so? What is the meaning of this mathematical equation? What do I do next?” Then they go into a dark room in silence, have a pen and paper ready, and they wait until the answer comes to them. The greatest scientists I have ever read about practice the power of Intuition by going into silence. 

I have been teaching this for many, many years and I have worked with the most incredibly well-known people. I’m name dropping because I can! I met them through the power of Intuition. 

So, if you want to learn more about the power of Intuition and how to become more successful in your life go to 

Thank you so much! 

I AM with you. 

In Love and Oneness,

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The Magnet To Money App has tons of affirmations, daily morning meditations, and more to keep you on track to manifesting your goals.

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See what others are saying about the world-renowned fastest manifestation app!

A Happy and Successful Life!
After using this app for a few weeks, I am richer in all things! My relationships with my family are beautiful, everything at work is perfect, and I am radiating with all this happiness. My life has changed completely for the better, and yes, of course money has come to me in unexpected ways! The repetition of the song works miracles. After a while, I started to feel the lyrics in my heart, and that is when everything started to change!
So Grateful!
To have Michele’s Magnet To Money song right here in an app is miraculous! I have had great success with Michele’s affirmation songs, and now that I have the reminders and ringtone, it is much easier to allow the song to sink into my consciousness. I also love the spoken affirmations. Every day I do a few of them, and they are always the right ones that brighten my day. Thank you for this app!
Absolutely Essential Part of My Day!
The Magnet to Money app is just that! I listen to it everyday, especially in the morning along with the affirmations. I feel uplifted and ready to take on the day! The video makes me jump up and dance! I feel enthusiastic and connected. Highly recommend for your mental and spiritual alignment.
Zulema Rose
"Michele and You App Team, I wanted to tell you that your App is amazing! It's visually gorgeous, and it has the perfect amount of free and paid content. You are an inspiration."
Andy O'Bryan

AudioBook Listening Tutorial

AudioBook Download Tutorial​

How To Use Reminders And
Set Them Up​

How To Download The Ringtone

How To Download The Song​