( Author of the "Chicken Soup For The Soul" series)
“Michele Blood’s energy is incredible. She is a walking billboard for what she teaches, a high vibration being. I thank her for the work she is doing in the world. I love it, and she’s right about the two hemispheres of the brain working together through her Affirmation Power Music Songs. Everything moving in harmony. Beautiful.”
from “The Secret)
"I have made
serious study of the mind and Michele has
made me aware of unique methods for
realizing more power by effectively
combining affirmations and music. She had a very positive impact on
my life"
(Authority On Self-Help)
"Michele has
infused the most important messages of
success with music. She’s been able to
infuse them with music so that they
actually go in and affect the subconscious
mind and permanent behavioral change"
(Copywriter, Product Funnel Strategist
"Michele and You App Team, I wanted to tell you that your App is amazing! It's visually gorgeous, and it has the perfect amount of free and paid content. You are an inspiration."