Divine Guidance Or Emotion/Ego?

When we make a decision, how do we know if it is Divine Guidance or emotion from the ego? Tricky. Is it true Intuition, and what is Intuition? Intuition is listening. When we practice Meditation, we become more in tune with God—with our Higher Self.

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The Power Of Intuition

Intuition is part of consciousness. Developing our Intuition is vitally important if we wish to be free and KNOW that we KNOW. Logic has nothing to do with Intuition nor does so-called common sense. 

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Affirmation Power

Please NEVER underestimate the power of the spoken word. This may sound familiar. “In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God. The WORD was God. And all things were made by the WORD. Without the WORD was not anything made that was made.”

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Six Steps To Achieving Your Goals & Big Vision

Let’s talk about how goal setting, when used, will powerfully assist you to realize your dreams into reality. All it takes is focus, attention, and six simple steps.

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AudioBook Listening Tutorial

AudioBook Download Tutorial​

How To Use Reminders And
Set Them Up​

How To Download The Ringtone

How To Download The Song​